it's been a month i ran away from cyber world haha since there are a lot of things that must to be done before i left Indonesia.
And, here i am, in melbourne. sitting in front of Gracy (my lenovo ideapad laptop) listening to owl city songs, literary stuck in my small apartment room.
well, i met several Indonesian people so far in Laguna (it's a shop where you can buy all indonesian stuffs, start from promina to kecap ABC and be accompanied with Indonesian songs, start from ST 12 to DEWA 19 haha) and they are really nice and very warm to welcome me in this big bad world haha. everything is expensive here, even supermi costs $9.99 (which around Rp 80.000/box) meeehhhh 0.o i really have to learn how to control my stomach capacity haha
but so far, everything went very great here. and so far this little girl,still can survive with all the conditions here (although i can't stand with its altered weather in a very short time, can you imagine, in here you can have 4 seasons in a day. i'm not trying to hyperbol the weather condition, but it's the fact! so,my suggestion: CHECK THE WEATHER FORECAST BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME!)
well then, i have to go now. i'm hungry hahaha see yaaa to the neeeyaaaa people, and forgive me for the late post yaaa :D
kakkk seru banget :D how's the people there? baik2 gaaak?
hahaah iyaa shar,baik kok semuanya :D
ramah ramah,cuma yaa emang agak individualistis haahah
kamu apa kabar?kangen dehhh haa
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