Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Congratulation my friend :)

Heyyy, congratulation for you fatah! USU and Medan are waiting for you, take your time and use it well okayy. I will always pray for you from Jatiwarna, hahaha and i will miss you very very much for the next 4 years :) well, before you leave let's do something fun together, like go to planetarium or dufan maybe hehehe
ATIKAAA, congratulation for the UI and Prasetya Mulya. I hope you decide the right decision and i'm happy for you tik :D
ANNA congratulation for the STEKPI result, ahhh i'm very proud of you sayaaang :) RANI! i'm still waiting for your result, and i'll be the very first person who declare your result to the world. Good luck for your SNMPTN okayyy ;) AYUUU! congrats for your scholarship from UMN!ahhh i'm very very happy for you sayang :)

Ahhh rimaaar, i'm so sorry to took a candid picture of you. well, again i want to congratulate you for the UNIPREP, i hope you enjoy the college world. come on mar, 10 more months and we'll be together in melbourne. good luck for you rimaaar :D

Woww, you all have achieved such a great and excellent achievement for this university entrance thing and it's only my results left. Well, please please pray for my IB results okayy I hope that what I wanted can really be come true :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jakarta OH Jakarta

Atika - Mas Kukuh - Fatah - Icha
3 days ago, I went around Jakarta with Fatah, Mas Kukuh (my cousin) and Atika (Mas Kukuh's girl friend). Our first stop was schmutzer, then by using trans jakarta, we went to kota tua. We were riding the sepeda onthel, then had lunch in a warung besides the museum of bank mandiri if i'm not mistaken. Then, again by using trans jakarta we went to Sarinah and from there by using bajaj BBG we went to planetarium. But, unfortunately we missed out the last show of the day, so we then decided to watch transformers but again all the tickets were sold out. And finally, desperately we went to inul vista in Sarinah. After an hour karaoke-ing, we went to final destination, which is BUBUR AYAM RADIO DALAM. So, again by using trans jakarta and bus kota we were succesfully reached our final stop.

During this journey to conquer Jakarta, I met several interesting people, they are:
1. Bapak Akordeon - He thought that I was a journalist but TETOOT! he was very very wrong. But a thing that I love the most about him is that he has a lot of life-story that is very interesting for me to be listened (and to be honest, i forgot what his name --" as usual my weakness in memorising people's name, sorrryyyy bapak akordeon)
2. Orang-Orang-Kantoran-Yang-Naik-TransJakarta - They are a group of people that are very annoying. They were pushing each others without worrying the safety of the other group of people. I was very very annoyed, because I almost fell down from the Trans Jakarta --"
3. Waria in Bubur Ayam Radio Dalam - Yaaa, you know how they act. So, when we were ordering foods, there were 2 or 3 waria came in and ngamen in a very sexy suit. Then there was a guy from this bubur ayam who told them that they cannot do ngamen in here, and 5 seconds later these waria(s) were angry and swearing with their true and normal voice hahaha

It was very very fun!although very tiring, and we were all exhausted but it was a very memorable moment during my first a month holiday.
ahhhh~ i'm looking forward for the next adventure. I can't waiiit!thank youuu atika, mas kukuh, and fatah <3>

Monday, June 22, 2009

so long my brother

It seems our day keeps falling on a leap year.

So many high points on this last leg.
I can't wait to recount them
it seems like nothing's happened
until I've shared them with you.
The note that you had called
says youre half a day away
& you are heading home
just in time for me to leave.

(Shirts and Gloves - Dashboard Confessional)

"Lo jangan pernah mikirin apa yang bakal lo tinggalin, tapi pikirin apa yang bakal lo dapatkan nanti"
well, i agree with that. But one thing that is still bugging me is i missed out to use my chance to meet him for the last time, since both of us was very busy for the last 2 weeks. And I hate the fact that, Insya Allah I'll move next year and will be back after 3 years maybe. And him, he'll be back to Jakarta probably for the next 2 years. Damar is my big brother and one of my very best friend since we're in high school. Well, saying good bye is the hardest thing ever, but i believe that we'll meet again soon my brother, see yaaa! i wish you the best and i hope you'll become a very good romo and i know you'll be. Because you have that talent, i'll miss you :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

olive is home

After I went home 2 days ago, yesterday my baby olive is finally went home. Olive is my new yellow volkswagen bettle, she is way older than me. She was my dad's first car and now she is my first car and yeaaah welcome home olive :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

home to the home home

After a week went around Merbabu (in Magelang), Dieng Plataeu (in Wonosobo), Parang Tritis (in Bantul), Jogjakarta and Bandung I finally come home. It feels really good to be at home, did you feel the same way?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sasi dan Satria

waaah waaahhh liburan semakin membuat otak gw gk bekerja dengan baik dan membuat gw bosen, karena tiap hari pasti home alone hahaha curhat.eh bukan itu poinnya! jadiiii, kemaren karena gw disuruh ngambil bpkb buat mobil vw kodok kuning gw yang bernama olive :) (you'll meet her soon, i promise) dan pengen jenguk kakak sepupu gw, mas kukuh yang lagi tepar karena gk enak badan, jadi yaaa gw memutuskan untuk ke rumah bude gw.

dengan naik motor tercinta gw dan ditemani oleh mas keri, gw sampelah disana.pas dateng, ternyata mas kukuh lagi makan di depan tv sama bude dan keponakkan gw yang namanya Satria yang lagi tidur di sofa.naaah satria itu adalah anaknya kakak sepupu gw yang cewek yang namanya mbak menik. terusss untuk mempersingkat cerita, setelah gw tidur tiduran di sofa seenaknya, ngemil marie regal sama kukuh sambil ngobrol dan nonton tv, kukuh mencetuskan sebuah ide cemerlang! yaituuuu
"bangunin dek Satria yuk" hahahahah
walaupun udah di wanti wanti sama bude gw buat gk ngelakuin itu, tapi tetep aja gw sama kukuh seenaknya masuk ke kamar mereka.

dan ternyata oh ternyata ada Sasi juga disana dalam keadaan dia udah bangun. kayak biasa, dengan seenaknya lagi gw langsung naik ke tempat
 tidur mereka dan tiduran sama mereka.tapi ajaibnya, Sasi langsung turun ke bawah, terus jalan ke pintu sambil bilang
"Ini kan kamar mama dan ayah" hadeeeh, ngena banget. gw diingetin sama anak kecil buat gk seenaknya hahaha
terus gk lama Satria bangun juga. dan semua keadaan pun berubah

mesti gw kasih tau, kalo Satria sama Sasi adalah
 2 orang anak yang paling takut sama gw. karena gw tantenya (hadeeh tua yaaa) yang paling jarang diliat dan paling suka nakut nakutin mereka kalo lagi ketemu, jadi pernah ada satu waktu dimana gw bikin Sasi takut sampe nangis dan Satria nya ngambil mainan mobil mobilannya yang plastik, terus gw dipukulin.yaaak bagus saudara saudara gw dipukul sama anak umur 3 taun --"

naaah, tapi kemaren, mungkin karena gw ada di depan mereka dari pas mereka bangun.jadinya mereka jauh lebih bersahabat sama gw.bentar bentar ditarik sana sini, diajak main ini itu sama dikerjain sama mereka hahaha seru banget.
pas gw main sama mereka, kayak ada satu momen dimana ada satu switch yang namanya 'imajinasi' ke klik on lagi.jujur karena, udah kelamaan berkutat dengan ilmu pasti dan analisa analisa njelimet ala IB, gw udah lama banget gk nyalain switch itu. dan kemaren gw bisa ngegunainnya lagi.

bayangin aja, tiba tiba Sasi, keponakan cewek gw yang umurnya 2 taun bilang ke gw 
"tante, main casting yuk."
gw "heh? apa dek, casting? mainnya gimana?"
sumpah gw bingung, gw mikir 'heh anak kecil kecil gini kok mainannya casting sinetron.aduuh gw nanti mesti jadi apanya nih?'
terus gak lama dia narik tangan gw, dan ngajak gw ke garasi mobil, make sandal item nyokapnya dan dia melucur. ternyata oh ternyata saudaraku, casting itu maksudnya ice skating hahahaha 
dan dia makein gw sepatu juga, buat gw main sama dia.
terus gw ajakin mereka juga main berenang berenangan disitu, dan Satria jadi ikan hiu. gw sama Sasi sok pura pura takut gitu hahaha dan dia tiba tiba meluk gw. gak tau kenapa gw seneng banget, soalnya dari dulu dia paling gak mau deket deket gw.

terus walaupun gitu, karena mungkin mereka masih kecil dan harga diri masih bukan satu prioritas buat mereka jadi turun ke bawah dengan pake topeng binatang sambil mengaum aum nyamperin mas gw yang lagi ada tamu di bawah udah bukan merupakan suatu hal memalukan buat mereka. tapi iyaa, buat gw. haduuuh bayangin ajaaa, gw kan lagi nemenin mereka main thomas (kereta kereta an itu lhooo) di kamar atas, terus Sasi nemuin 3 topeng gitu, topeng kucing, harimau, sama bebek, dan Satrianya langsung excited gitu makenya. terus nyuruh gw ngeong dan nyuruh Sasi bilang "kwek kwek" gitu.pertamanya seru siih karena masih diatas doang mainnya, laaah tiba tiba Satria bilang
"gangguin om Kukuh yuk tante" hadeeeeehhh mati gw udah mana lagi ada temennya kan dibawah

terus dia narik narik gw ke tangga aja lho, minta tolong dibantuin turun. daaaan sampe bawah tangga 2 manusia kecil ini, lari aja lho ke mas gw sambil ber kwek kwek dan ber haum haum
dan selama sepersekian detik itu harga diri gw pun menguaaaaap --"

ahhhh, gw sayang banget sama keponakan keponakan gw itu hahaha aduuuh walaupun mereka suka make kain buat tatakan ompol mereka untuk main superman sama supergirl di depan rumah sambil diliatin orang orang dan bikin gw malu. cumaa tetep, "tante sayang kalian Satria + Sasi" :)

Satria (atas) dan Sasi (bawah) diambil pas mereka masih sensi sama gw --"

Monday, June 1, 2009

so long my friend, future is waiting for us to be conquered

finally, we reached the end of our high school. all the tears, laughter, craziness, IB burden and insanity that we shared will be last forever in the deepest of my organ, named heart. I am not a person who good with words, I am not a person who good on remembering a name or a thing. But, sure I know that I will always remembering our togetherness and every second that we have been through for these 3 years. I love you all my friends, wish you all the best and come on let's conquer the world....

(hahaha nyerah, gw sedih sendiri)