Well, helloooo people.since this week was a quite hectic day, so i do not have much time to sit quietly to make any updates about my life in the cyberworld.
but, since today i'm slightly free this morning, and luckily i was get up early, so now here i am, writting about what is up about me so far.
so,here it goes:
1. To keep my self busy for about 3 more months before i left, me, fatah and several best friend of mine were joining a very great business.so, we are able to make our own money from this business.it's very fun business to do :) :) so, pray for my luck okayyyyy ;)
2. My junior high school alumni was offering me to adopt a very cute male puppy. He was born like a month ago, so after he reaches his 2 months birthday, my alumni promises me that i'll get this puppy for free, yeaaaaah. and i think i will named him "TIC TAC" hahahaha but i'm opened for any suggestion.tell me if you have some okayy :)
3. For my university update, well finally i've got the eCOE it likes the statement from the university that i am the new student there and i am allowed to make student visa in Australian embassy in Jakarta. So, yeaahh this november me and stephanie are going to finish this student visa together. hope everything can finish well yaa ;)
4. Next Wednesday is my mom and dad's 19th anniversary so, my brothers and I are going to make a little surprise for them on their first date restaurant, which is in Gandy's steak menteng. so this sunday, i'll go there to do some survey and think about what will we do next to make that wednesday night be the most unforgettable night for them hehehe
5. Pleaseee, pleaseeee pray for me. Because, next month i have a plan to go to Medan to meet Fatah. And everything is up to my mom, so if she gives me a permissions to go there i can go there as soon as possible.Whether i am alone, or with my mom too or with Fatah's mom or maybe with both of them. I don't know. but pleaseee pleaseee people, pray for me for this one ya ya ya
6. You should know people, I had a very weird dream last night. seriously it wasn't make any sense at all, because i was dreaming that Fatah is going to India to be like Indonesian army to help the war that occured in India --" seee how weird is it, right? since when there is a war in india, unless someone from Al Qaeda is kidnapping Shahrukh Khan to entertain them. Because of that dream, i woke up, panic, and thought that it's real, so in a second after i woke up, i picked my phone and called Fatah. I was very glad to hear his "morning voice" :), after i told him about my dream, he was laughing and said "Icha..ichaa..what a weird dream.don't be panic okay, i'm not going to India or anywhere else.You are to obsessed with India, cha ahahha"
although, it was very annoying, but still i am glad that Fatah is not going anywhere hahaha.
well, enough for the quick updates peopleee! pleaseee, pleaseeee pray for my luck on doing every activities that i am currently do now.thank youuuuuuu for your kindness attention for me. see yaaaa to the neeyaaa peopleeee :]

pasti cha gw doain,apalagi yang ada fatahnya.. amin banget ya allah kabulkanlah doanya icha,amin!
hahahaha makasiihhh deviiii :)
amin amin ya Allah, doanya devi juga terhadap oknum 'x' itu haha
tersenyum miris membaca kata 'oknum x'
maaf deeevvv. udah baca postingan gue yang diatas, hope you enjoy my unpredictable journey of the day dev :)
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