Monday, November 30, 2009


i am deadly bored. nothing to do. only stucked in front of my computer, then 'tek' all dead. 5 seconds later, 'zip' all back to normal. 3 seconds later 'nziiit', the fax machine alive, and releasing a rectangular shape fax paper, and blam! i made my first book mark. a bit emo, i know. but yeahh, it has refreshed my mind a while.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Idul Adha

another celebration, another euphoria atmosphere of togetherness
that is covered by joyful and thankfulness,
beneath the irony of tears of the unfornate.
but, again let's celebrate this year Idul Adha with the feeling of thankfulness to Allah.

happy idul adha, peopleeeeee! :D
bagi bagi ketupat yaaaa hahahahaha

see yaaa to the neeyaaaaa, mesti ngejar sholat ied gue!
15 menit lagi mulai muahahahaha

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I saw what Olive did see (Saya melihat apa yang Olive juga lihat)

i saw 'binatang qurban' so did she (saya melihat binatang qurban, begitu juga dia)
I met a new people, so did she (saya bertemu dengan orang baru, begitu juga dia)

I saw posters from her window, so did she ( saya melihat poster dari jendelanya, begitu juga dia)
i saw a road sign on my way, so did she (saya melihat papan petunjuk jalan, begitu juga dia)
I saw an underage smoker, so did she (saya melihat anak kecil merokok, begitu juga dia)

As usual, I drove Olive around Jakarta. From Jatiwarna to Pasar Minggu, everything just passing by, like nothing special is wanted to be happened. I am not the one who addicted to keep my mind on track to the illogical political issues that is currently occured. I am not the one who interested to follow the stock growth. But, indeed my mind is constantly thinking about the social issues that are occuring in my country, Indonesia. Too much money is flew away from the rich people without thinking a bit about the unfortunate people out there. I am not judging any one of you.

But yes, definitely i really want to disturb your mind with a life-scene of a kid who lived under the standard of living. A kid who doesn't know which is which. A kid who doesn't even know how to laugh out loud without thinking of how much money that he can earn for today's lunch. No one can be blamed for the fact that he is smoking. Nor the parents or the school. We don't know is he going to school or not. We don't know where the parent is. We don't know what has mr. Government do to handle this issue. Underage smoking. Pity. Mental degradation. I hate when i said the words "mental" and "degradation" in pair. But, it is the fact that we lived on.

Hello, mr. President, can you go down for a while. Bend your knees a little, look into the eyes of these kids and ask them "do you want to go to school, my kid?"
Supposedly they will straightly say "Sir, yes sir"
then pull up your head a little and look deep into the teacher eyes, the eyes of our unnamed heroes. Calmly ask them "what do you want, my dear friend?", write down things that you have to fix up.
We have to solve up this problem soon. I ask you, how many 'Teacher's day' we need more for boosting their life? i don't need your answer right now. i just need your quick act. i am not only talking and asking to mr. President, but also you peopleee.

Seperti biasa, gue kembali menjelajah bersama Olive kemarin. Mengelilingi Jakarta, dari Jatiwarna ke Pasar Minggu. Hari ini gak ada yang seru sama sekali, semuanya berjalan gitu aja, walaupun di luar sana semua media sedang kisruh memperbincangkan kelakuan politikus kita. Tapi sayangnya, gue bukan orang yang suka ngikutin masalah politik yang makin gak masuk akal. Gue juga bukan orang yang suka ngikutin perkembangan saham. Tapi, gue lebih tertarik untuk bisa membantu memikirkan masalah sosial di negara gue ini, Indonesia. Terlalu banyak uang yang keluar dari kantong para orang kaya itu, tanpa pernah sedikit pun mereka memikirkan bagaimana nasib masyarakat kecil. Hahaha ini bukan berarti gue menyindir siapapun di luar sana ya.

Memang gue gak bermaksud menyindir, tapi gue sengaja buat mengganggu pikiran kalian dengan skenario hidup seorang anak kecil yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Anak kecil yang masih belum mengerti untuk bisa membedakan sesuatu yang baik dan yang buruk. Anak kecil yang belum tentu bisa ketawa lepas sambil tidak memikirkan apakah uang dia cukup untuk makan hari ini. Makanya gak ada yang bisa disalahin, kalo pada kenyataannya dia terjerumus untuk merokok. Kita bahkan gak bisa nyalahin sekolahnya atau orang tuanya. Soalnya kita pun juga gak tau, apakah sebenarnya dia sekolah atau gak. Kita juga gak tau dimanakah orang tuanya sekarang. Kita juga bahkan gak tau apakah Pak Presiden sudah sempat menangani masalah ini atau belum. Perokok dibawah umur. Menyedihkan. Degradasi Mental. Jujur, gue benci untuk memasangkan kata "mental" dan "degradasi". Rasanya kasar, tapi apa boleh buat, inilah dunia yang kita hidupi.

Pak Presiden oh Pak Presiden, coba deh bapak turun sebentar dari singgasana bapak di atas sana. Berlutut sedikit, dan tataplah mata anak anak itu, tanyalah kepada mereka "Apakah kalian mau pergi ke sekolah?"
Gue yakin, pasti mereka langsung menjawab "Iya pak, kami mau"
Kemudian, angkatlah kepala bapak sedikit, tataplah mata para guru. Mata para pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Tanyalah kepada mereka dengan lembut, "Apa yang kalian butuhkan, teman temanku?", lalu catatlah hal-hal yang harus bapak sebagai bapak negara lakukan untuk memperbaiki ini semua.

Karena, kita harus segera memperbaiki masalah ini segera. Sekali lagi gue bertanya ke kalian, butuh berapa banyak hari guru lagi sih untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini? Gue gak butuh jawaban kalian sekarang. Yang gue, dan Indonesia butuhkan adalah tindakan yang cepat. Dan pertanyaan ini gak hanya gue tujukan kepada bapak kita yang ada di singgasananya di atas sana, tetapi juga pada kalian.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Microsoft Bloggership 2010, ikut!

Heyy there peopleeee!

Come on, let's join Microsoft Bloggership 2010. This is one of the greatest bloggership contest, which could show how much we care and aware for the current Indonesia education situation. Please, click, to have further information about this contest.

come on, join us on this contest. it'll be very fun to have you with us :D
and don't forget to stay tune in, i'll share my greatest journey during this contest. sooo, come on peopleee :D

ini ajang dimana kita bisa nunjukkin kalo kita aware sama dunia pendidikan negara kita sendiri. gak ada salahnya untuk click :

ayooo ikutaaaan, jangan lupa tetep stay tune di juga yaaa untuk tau cerita cerita gue dalam mengikuti perlombaan ini :D

sampai jumpaaaa, teman teman!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


define: impulsive
. (Mech.) Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous.
in my definition, impulsive is
when two innocent kids blasted off to a lighting shop named fuse, ditched the driver, forgot the brothers,
made the dad going mad. But with silly act, kept doing things that their heart asking to do. 
and, they "...just don't care..." - John Legend

Sunday, November 22, 2009

chapter 1.0 : introspection

this is another chapter of my life, with an underline title, named introspection.
"when light arosed at the early of your beautiful day, it must be dark covered it up in order to ended the day."
we lived in a multicolored world. indeed our life is changing, like a kaleidoscopic color, which can only seen through a kaleidoscope. sometimes it is fading out, becoming pale. Turned the multicolored to the monochrome. if you are the panchromatic person, you can really feel the changes, even a slight variegation.
it is like chromatic color turns to achromatic color.

like us,
indeed turns our life upside down. it is like a two-faced coin, we never know exactly when we'll be plunged into a hole named, mistake. the chromatic color-life that we lived in suddenly rolls down and causing us stuck in achromatic color-life. at that moment, we're covered up in silent. sat quietly, mused. this is the chapter of our life, named introspection.

and yeahhh, i am now currently there. living in this achromatic color, struggling to pull out my self from this hole. still trying to color up my self.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

great journey, great people!

hello peopleee! greetings from jatiwarna! :D
how are you there? here, i woke up at 6 am and heavy rain welcoming me to the other great day of mine :) :)

and, yesterday was one of the greatest journey of this week so far. although, i didn't go to Pamulang as usual, but oh but in fact i made my own unforgettable day yet super exciting for me :D :D and i've passed it with my little baby Olive.
so, yesterday i have planned to go to Senayan with my neighbor and my alumni also with a few friend of mine. since my avanza ijo had a tiny problem with its hazard light, so he has to go to pak engto's car shed, for his own good. so, that is why, the only car left at home is my little baby Olive and my driver mugi man. therefore, with a reason "there is no choice", i decided to dare my self to drive Olive away to Senayan. AND I MADE IT! YAY!

with, a plenty of ammunition of Owl City songs from Adit's iPod, i was driving Olive behind its kind-of-wide steering wheel, went cross jakarta's famous traffic jam at 5pm with only rely on my instinct and the dim-witted light of Olive's headlight. i was really enjoy my journey, i met my first U-turn in front of Plaza Senayan, i met a few people who took a candid photo of Olive and it was the second time that Olive got shoot by bule :D sooo, if there is any yellow 1303 VW bettle photo in any magazine, yes yes it is my baby olive :) :) hahaha. and for the third time in a row i almost grazed a blue bird taxi hahaha i don't know what is wrong with my eyes nerve with a color of blue, it's just soooo attractive hahaha

ooohhh, everything was just so perfect for me :D my little pikko and tikko are getting bigger each time they woke up at the morning (hahahah gak gak berlebihan), 4 weeks to come for Fatah comes home, 10 more weeks left before i left Jakarta and 2 more days left before i have to hand in my visa application. meeennn, i can't wait to live my beautiful life, thank you ya Allah for the colorful and exciting days that you have given to me every day in my life :D alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

OHYA! special thanks for Muhammad Fatahillah Batubara for all the grumpy and cranky texts that you have sent to me, i know you are really worried of me, tah. thank youu gendut :) :) then, for Ilham Fikri Habibie for all the hyperactive evening that we've had hahahaha no one can understood the world that we live on, meeen! hahaha and last for Mugi MAN! i owe you a million of thank you(s) for your sincere heart to be a real good and patient passenger every time i hijacked the car hahahaha thank youuuu peopleee, i love you all to the maxxx!

well okay then peopleeee, see yaaa to the neeyaa on the other great journey of mine, peopleee :D thank youuuuuu!

Friday, November 13, 2009

voice oh voice

Helloooo people, how are you there?
Here i am reported from Jatiwarna, with the current situation outside is rain poured heavily and lack of sun light shone through the clouds, which made my land already dark in 4:40 pm hehehe

but, despite that fact, everything in my life went barely great. I had a very fun time with my good friend, Ilham Fikri Habibie and Arga Sumantri during this week. It's been a great adventure with Ilham and his vespa, named Paris also his white mio to go around Pamulang-Senayan hahaha.
many great experience of life can i kept safely in my mind, especially when Ilham and I went to Senayan in a heavily rainy day, and when we stopped in front of a lawyer office in a place that i cannot remember the name is, suddenly, out of nowhere he said "cha, i'm afraid that this key will fall down into that drain" (while took a bow to the drain below us)
5 seconds later, PLUNG!
IT WAS FALLING DOWN SLOWLY, PEOPLEEE! and none of words could came up from both of us.
stupid, yeaahhh i know it really well.
so then, spontaneously i asked pak pemulung besides Ilham about his kaitan tool. And when he told me where it is, i ran across the street and took it.
i gave it to Ilham, and for 10 minutes we were like a very idiotic little kid tried to take Ilham's key by using that magical tool. but, nor my hand or his hand were long enough to make it.
so, with the bless of God, pak pemulung was jumped down to the drain, and took Ilham's key and straightly gave it to us.
it was unbelievable 5 minutes moment for me, he was very heroic to help these 2 innocent little kid to continue their journey hehehe
thank youuu very muchhhh pak pemulung :D :D

and how's fatah?
he is doing good there, but currently he became superbly busy to coordinate his faculty fair with his friend. So, no phone call from him from these couple of days haha well, december is few more weeks away, which means no need to be that upset because soon, i'll meet him :) what i need to do now is trying to be more patient and enjoy the rest of this november hahaha ya kan tah? :)

and how's me?
i lost my voice into -1. there's no sound came up from my mouth, my throat ill every time i coughed. meennn, i need my voice back, meehhh --" maybe, God deliberately took out my voice for several days to give me time to introspect my self, and for me to have a little quiet and private time with my self haahaha well, thank you God i really enjoy my silent time very much :) :)

and how's the preparation of melbourne?
Every thing went fine, i've sign a couple of visa forms, and on monday, probably, i am going to do medical check up in order to complete the other visa forms.
Stephanie and I were already booked one apartment with 2 bedrooms in arrow on swantson, 22 minutes walking from my university, yeaaah! i can't wait to move to melbourne, peopleee :D
my mom and i have also booked the airplane tickets for our journey to melbourne, in February 3 2010. soooo, 11 more weeks to go peopleeee! aahhhh~ i can't wait

well, so far those are my updates from Jatiwarna hahah see yaaa to the neeyaaa peopleeee!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

fly away!

i wanna fly away,
high...higher...and to be the highest eagle to fly in this rounded-planet, named earth.
i wanna go across the distance,
killing seconds, minutes and hours that i had left at this rounded-ticking thing, named clock.
i wanna run,
fast...faster...and to be the fastest woman alive that could run in this compiling continents and islands, named world.
i wanna be just like a kite without nylon string that flew high at that blue sky above,with the helping of the blowing wind surround it,
yeah, surely, i'll be that eagle-kite...

11 more weeks left before i'm leaving this over populated city, named jakarta.
31 more days left before my deadline of the declaration that i've made, named goal, reaching it ends.

God, please strength me. hold me close. help me ya Allah, pleaseeee....

Monday, November 2, 2009


-err, pardon me, people...
have you ever felt that you are surrounding by million of people, that has nothing to do with your life?

if yes, it is my pleasure to warmly welcome you to Jakarta. zillion of people, million of vehicles, and more than thousand of hours had fuse together in uncountable ways which has evaporationg through the ozone and ironically we are now currently lived in Jakarta and majority of us are enjoyed most of our time to survive in this cosmopolitan city yet polluted in many ways. And for most of us, it has became our identity and honor which made us proud, really proud, indeed to live in Jakarta.
so do i. i am chronically in love with Jakarta.